"A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A
simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor
and remember." via Soulemama.
My daffodils are coming up already, and we got snow this morning. I'm kind of glad I won't be here to notice when they don't come up in the spring. Your little garden is wonderful!
:( I'm a little bit concerned about our trees for this same reason. So many of them are already budding and I'm concerned it will freeze and damage them. Poor trees have had a rough run lately ( we had a really bad drought this past summer) We will be giving them lots of love in hopes that they will be fine:)
@ KC Pagano: It's a "Creeping Jenny". A friend gave it to me and said I won't be able to kill it (unlike my other plants...) and so far she's been right: every time I think I did it again my "Jenny" just comes creeping around the corner again :)
Love the color contrast with your pot! I use this plant as a groundcover down the whole length of my back flowerbed. It is very invasive and will spread into the grass, too, so you have to watch it! But, it's a great alternative to mulch and has a beautiful color contrast with purple coneflowers and lilies planted above. I found your blog via Soule Mama.... I'm off to peek around. Have a lovely weekend!
Lovely color of green, but I agree - too early! We've had so little snow here in New Hampshire...we haven't been out sledding once! Crazy!
Here's my moment:
There is just green everywhere this winter. Summer should be very interesting. Have a great weekend!
Lovely shade of green, a perfect shawl color!!
My daffodils are coming up already, and we got snow this morning. I'm kind of glad I won't be here to notice when they don't come up in the spring. Your little garden is wonderful!
:( I'm a little bit concerned about our trees for this same reason. So many of them are already budding and I'm concerned it will freeze and damage them. Poor trees have had a rough run lately ( we had a really bad drought this past summer) We will be giving them lots of love in hopes that they will be fine:)
I love the color of that pot! What kind of succulent is that?
@ KC Pagano:
It's a "Creeping Jenny". A friend gave it to me and said I won't be able to kill it (unlike my other plants...) and so far she's been right: every time I think I did it again my "Jenny" just comes creeping around the corner again :)
Love the color contrast with your pot! I use this plant as a groundcover down the whole length of my back flowerbed. It is very invasive and will spread into the grass, too, so you have to watch it! But, it's a great alternative to mulch and has a beautiful color contrast with purple coneflowers and lilies planted above. I found your blog via Soule Mama.... I'm off to peek around. Have a lovely weekend!
Incredible photo! So beautiful!
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