acorns: some were burned, the others put in the shop

we tried to make good use of the mild weather last week and do some yard clean-up. we had tons and tons of acorns that we raked up into huge piles to be burned. the squirrels out here sure won't go hungry any time soon, there are still so many left!

some acorns though are not for wildlife consumption. among these are the wire acorns i made and put in the store.

you can get your acorn pendants here - for sale -

have a great start to the week!
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Tracey ~ Clover said...

Very Pretty and these are ones the squirrels won't eat!

Artsy VaVa said...

So cute!!!

barefoot mama said...

So cute!!

Sass - aka - Kathy said...

Very cute! Consider sharing with my readers at !

Happy Valentine's Day,


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