father and son beach walking

"A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember." via Soulemama

have a lovely weekend!


Kimmy said...

ohhhh I miss Hamburg so much! What a lovely moment!

Tracey ~ Clover said...

Oh, I adore the beach in the winter! I hope you have a lovely weekend Sylvia.

Corinne Rodrigues said...

I love how they both seem to be so engrossed in their thoughts. Great moment, Sylvia.

Here's mine: My Moment

Tonya said...

Just love the ocean in the winter!

Have a wonderful weekend!


karen said...

Beautiful photo and it looks kind of chilly!!

Dark Blue Dragon said...

Lovely. I love the beach in off season, there is such a peace about it. Looks like a beautiful day.

Here is mine to share this week...

barefoot mama said...

beautiful moment...

hope you have a GREAT weekend!

Old Maid New said...

Who ever said the beach is a summer thing? Such a contemplative moment.

Shel said...

You can just feel the peacefulness of this moment!

Our moment this week is a creative one. The girls have been taking this wonderful art class (held in an old schoolhouse!) for the last few weeks! Everything about this place is magical and it's easily the highlight of the week!


Have a great weekend!

Stacy @ Sweet Sky said...

Ours is at the beach, too. :)

It's nice to meet you "the ants" -- what a lovely blog filled with light and creativity!


Papercut Doll said...

Great atmosphere in this moment, does look a bit chilly though but isn't that all part of the charm of the beach? :) Happy Weekend to you.

Samuel Michaels - SMP This Moment

Unknown said...

This is a great photo! I'm too chicken to go to the beach this time of year....although it's gorgeous! Maybe one of these days I'll bundle us up and head out there. My little one would love it! :-)

Melissa said...

How cool! A cold day at the beach (any beach) is better than a good day at work :)

Here's our moment:

Unknown said...

That looks really cold! How cool to be so close to the ship yard though. Here's ours: http://littlehomesteadinthedesert.blogspot.com/2012/02/this-moment.html

Laura Emily said...

sea + winter = divine.
love it!

happy weekend!
xo, laura emily

house full of jays said...

This is breathtaking. Makes me ache for the ocean.
I love the lined up shadows!

simona said...

ooh, sehnsucht (sharing kimmy's sentiments)! what a wonderful, dreamy moment! love the color spectrum.

Anonymous said...

this makes me smile!! here;s ours...

Anonymous said...

this makes me smile!! here;s ours...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot!
Have a wonderful weekend..

Corrabelle said...

The beach in the winter...so fresh and alive!

Karen said...

Hello Simona and Sylvia, I’ve nominated you for the Verstile Blogger Award, feel free to visit me and collect!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Hamburg really beautiful????

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