this moment: it's snowing!

joining soulemama with a favourite moment of the week. have a beautiful, cozy weekend, all!


Tracey ~ Clover said...

It is beautiful! We are in a heat wave which is really depressing.
Enjoy your snow and the weekend.

Wendy said...

snow!!! Yeah! We have NO snow in upstate NY. Every morning my children awake, they check and wonder how Christmas will arrive with no snow.
Beautiful moment.
And yes this is a snow flake in my hair. I crocheted it to hang as a decoration and then decided it was more fun in my hair. :)

tinsenpup said...

Oh my, how beautiful! It looks utterly magical.

Anonymous said...

oh such an adorable photo! I'm wishing for snow here but none (yet!)
Thanks for sharing - here's our moment :

Corinne Rodrigues said...

And someone sure is loving the snow!

My moment: This Moment

My Dog's Moment: Pablo's Moment

Shel said...

Oooh, send some our way please! I cannot believe it has been such a snowless December here in New England! Doesn't really feel like Solstice and Christmas are upon us with the lack of snow!

Our moment comes from our Christmas tree search this week! The only thing that could have made that day any better would have been if there was some snow on the ground!

Have a great weekend!

The Golden Papaya said...

beautiful! snow!

Unknown said...

Wished it would snow in Florida :(
Your little guy seems to be enjoying the snow.

Unknown said...

I've never seen it snow... NO FAIR! :-)

louise said...

Ahh, snow, now the fun begins

barefoot mama said...

I love the their level of curiosity about the world at this's Magical:))

Old Maid New said...

Great looking out.
Stop by to see my moment.

Melissa said...

Visiting from SouleMama...How gorgeous! Do you typically get a white Christmas?

Here's our moment:

Shirley Ann said...

Beautiful! We had snow this morning and had a wonderful time just enjoying it's beauty.

Here is our moment:

Laura Emily said...

looking like winter!

Unknown said...

Oh, how I love watching the little ones watch it snow. They have such an excitement about them, sort of magical :)

aka Jules said...

it is a sweet and snowy moment. hope that little one got outside to catch a flake on his tongue.

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