inspired by pinterest: crafting with salt dough

i guess most of you know by now what pinterest is and how cool it is. i think i got an invitation from gina quite a few months ago by now, and started pinning right away. as danielle mentioned in her post about pinterest, it actually replaces bookmarking websites. with the "pin it" button installed in my bookmarks bar, i can "bookmark" any photo on a webpage, the link is saved plus i can categorize everything and see all my bookmarked finds as photo collections as opposed to just a few words if i use the classical bookmarking.

recipes? crafty finds? inspirational images? home decor ideas? quotes? just put them all there.

as for crafty ideas, my pinboard is full and i've felt super inspired by it, but last weekend i got to actually make something inspired by a pinterest find! i revisited a childhood craft of ours, and made tags, ornaments and little teacandle holders with salt dough.

with images of these beautiful ornaments fresh in my mind, i (or i might say we, see above) got to work. i used the simple recipe the site mentions. i would have loved to do something like this (stamping on the salt dough tags), but my tags and ornaments didn't come out flat enough. i'll try this project again in a couple of weeks and hope to use the rolling pin again once the tags are on the baking tray, i think this way they will actually remain flat enough to be stamped upon. also, spencer will not constantly point at them and ask: "kekse? kekse?" (cookies?) ...

after everything dried, i simply painted the items with white acrylic paint and embellished them a bit more with a black pen. a coat of varnish, and they actually don't look that bad after all, for the first try ;)

these are my snowflake ornaments, they could also be used as gift tags:

little gift tags:

a teacandle holder:

 and my little extra, this house behind which you place a teacandle:

i didn't paint it at all, i was a little afraid it might lose it's "glow". on closer look it looks either spooky or more like a child's craft project. it was really hard to make as it constantly flipped over and i had to dry it using a support system... i'll go all simple next time and will only make little tags.

have you worked with salt dough lately? have you got any tips you would like to share?


Tracey ~ Clover said...

I haven't done salt dough in a few years, but with rain headed my way this would make a great indoor project! Thanks for the inspiration!

Mama Gone Green said...

We made some ornaments last year. It was fun except the dog ate a couple of them off the tree!

simona said...

I didn't make salt dough since we were kids. All I remember about it is also thinking it's dough for "Kekse" and trying and trying again if it tasted anything like it. Once the things we made with it were ready I kept licking the bottom of them because I've always liked the taste of salt :)

The idea you had with the glowing house is neat, it inspires me to make something similar... I won't tell you what yet, you'll have to wait and see, heehee!

Anonymous said...

I haven't made salt dough since I was a little girl! Now I really want to try it again. I'm with you -- I love the unpainted look. Sometimes I see ones that have been painted garish colors and I think, "Noo! It's been ruined!" Haha. How cute that Spencer thought they were cookies...he must have been disappointed.

Astarael said...

That looks like so much fun to do with little ones! Love this~

Karolina Pettersson said...

Wow, got so inspired to do this, had somewhere forgot about salt dough! How fun!

amanda {the habit of being} said...

i love all of these little creations! i'm hoping that as i am forced to slow down this is something i can do with my kids.

ellenmarie said...

what a cool idea! thanks pinterest for everything! i realllllllllllly adore the tealight candle holders! sooo cute! i remember making some little ornaments like that when i was a kid. if i had kiddos, i'd do the same thing with them for sure :) forever memories!

Marianne said...

No matter what you create, it's always a blessing to be able to have cute little hands "helping" you!!!
And I like your tealight-house a lot. The snowflakes are very lovely, too.

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