the (long) weekend list

even though today is sunday, it feels a lot like saturday because tomorrow is a public holiday. love it!
here is my list of what was special this weekend:

* enjoying the swings with my little man, particularly the view of the lush, green leaves above us

* old friends staying for a few hours and a night before hopping on a train to Sweden this morning. good times, good food, good conversations, good wine :)

* taking the the little guy to a festival of vintage US cars and seeing the delight on his face. he just LOVES cars, especially vintage ones.

* impromptu dinner with what we had in the fridge and pantry (pesto, veggies and parmesan on baguette) enjoyed together with an impromptu drink (lime, basil, water and some %%%)

* and, as mentioned above, a saturday feeling on a sunday.

hope everybody had a wonderful weekend!

linking up with amanda (the habit of being)


Kim said...

Oh, looks like a lovely weekend. Long weekend here too...yay!! Enjoy the extra day :)

momto5 said...

you had some great stuff in the pantry and fridge, what a yummy dinner. love the photo from the swing, perfection. have a great week.

momto5 said...

you had some great stuff in the pantry and fridge, what a yummy dinner. love the photo from the swing, perfection. have a great week.

Anonymous said...

nice weekend!!it looks fantastic!

simona said...

My weekend was also very nice, and the ribs hubby smoked were out of this world!

karen said...

I wish my frig had the contents of your frig :) love that first photo!!

the habit of being said...

mmm...i love the clean out the fridge type meals! and i have a little guy that would've loved that vintage car show too.

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