this moment: a package from simona

this moment. a friday ritual. sharing a simple but special, favorite moment of the past week. 
inspired by soulemama

have a lovely friday and weekend!


Kim said...

A happy mail day, I love those days!

Enjoy your weekend.

HannahW said...

Oh how exciting!! Here is my moment.. Bunny and her beloved "cuddle toy":

Have a wonderful weekend!

karen said...

I love your area rug, so cheerful!! Great moment-getting presents :)

simona said...

Thanks for taking a picture of that moment!!

Meryl said...

Packages in the mail are the best!

Öa said...

Yes, that must have been THE moment of the week ( if not month)!

Marianne said...

.....and thanks for all the tiny parcels inside that oarcel for the rest of your family members here in Hamburg. You're spoiling us, Simona!!

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