"Falling Colors" – fall foliage inspired painting

as every season brings change, fall brings storms and vibrant colors into our lives yet another time. colorful leaves tumble and sail through the crisp air until they find their place on the ground, waiting for another gust of wind to blow them a little further.

one of my favorite things to do in autumn or fall is taking long walks through the woods, picking up beautiful leaves that somehow stand out in amongst thousands of fallen leaves, and taking these home.

"Falling Colors" is an abstract and dynamic landscape painting inspired by a walk through the woods, admiring the vibrant colors of the fall foliage - SOLD -

i have quite a large collection of dried leaves, never seem to get enough of them. sometimes i dry them by pressing them between books, other times i let them dry on the table, then they shrivel up a bit which on the one hand makes them harder to store, on the other hand they do look more alive that way.

do you also collect leaves in fall, or even perhaps throughout the year? 
and do you ever do anything with them or does it usually end with only the intention of getting creative?

linking up with: life's jewels and others


karen said...

Beautiful work! I do not collect leaves but I do take lots of photos of them. I love fall the best (as well as winter).

Kim said...

Love the painting, beautiful! We do collect leaves, we press them, let them dry on the nature table and this year we are going to try waxing them. My little man is forever picking them up, especially this time of year.

sylvia said...

love the painting and the new/old fall header!! :)

Tonya said...

What beautiful colors! The reds, oranges, and yellows are just beginning to peek through the greens here in New Hampshire. I love the contrast of the greens with the colored fall leaves.

Marianne said...

Nice picture, looks as if you did some fingerpainting again.
Here, too, we collect colorful leaves, press them and later use them for very personal stationary and room decorations.
And since my childhood I've loved walking in the woods through piles of leaves, while looking out for the most beautiful ones and taking them home.

Karen said...

Beautiful painting, I like the dynamic of it and the depth, It draws you in. I am more a gatherer of nuts and acorns. Leaves curl up so fast when you gather them.

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