urban gardening - an update

i had great plans for our front balcony this year. but, well - life got in the way, one might say. i'm aware that even though the space that we have is limited, there is a lot more that i could grow if i made use of containers and more hanging pots. all the same, some things have actually been harvested already and have made their way to our kitchen and into our bellies.

 for almost all the salads that i made, i cut some parley and nasturtium to add homegrown flavour. the nasturtium has a very strong, savoury taste. i like the orange blossoms, but i think i will not grow them again next year. they need to be harvested regularly, or they dry out (at least on our sunny and windy front balcony). and personally i can't take their strong taste every day. also, they cannot be dried, meaning we can only eat them fresh, which i don't find very practical. the parsley works very well, i will grow more of it and other herbs next year. i had started the parsley myself and it made a lot of work. i might just buy seedlings next year, we'll see...

above: homegrown parsley and nasturtium with red bell pepper and rashishes...

also we're loving the little strawberry plant my mum gave us as a gift. even though what we grow is very little compared to what we could harvest if we had a garden, i like that the little man gets the idea of where some of our our food comes from and how it grows. it's a start...


karen said...

I love your little balcony and no matter how small it's nice to have nature near by. I want to grow those flowers next year! I forgot this year..

simona said...

it looks so nice and green and i love all the little decorative details you added to your balcony!

i also love growing things from seed, but if i want quick results, buying seedlings is definitely the way to go! some seeds i try to start on my own take so long to become a plant that by the time they are mature the summer is already over.

Kim said...

Your little balcony looks so lovely. Even though it is small, a little homegrown food is always enjoyed.

Öa said...

The harvest might be small, but the feeling about it is great.

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