sweet moments of motherhood

1. snowbird3, 2. baby blue, 3. "I am a Mama" 009/365 * 03 02 2009, 4. Awwh, 5. 100102Kings02b, 6. action

today i wanted to share some of my flickr favourites of sweet images capturing moments that say so much more about motherhood then any poet could with words... it's these little moments that make up for the hard phases that come along with the job - which is still the best job in the world, no matter what!
(please click on the links if you want to see the full pictures).

have a lovely day!


~Kelly~ said...

So nice... thanks for sharing!

Tonya said...

Just lovely!

simona said...

how sweet... so much love!

Marianne said...

Thanks for the photos. Indeed, mother-and-child-bondage Is such a special feeling everywhere in the world.

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