recylced invitation: diy graduation card

it's graduation time! do you also know anybody who graduates this year? did you make any hand made cards yet?
if not, here's an idea for you: just recycle the invitation or announcement you received!

since i have so much crafts stuff around already i was determined to only recycle papers and anything i might need for the graduation card i made last weekend, not buying anything new. after i looked for graduation card inspiration online, i pinned one or two for further reference. i liked the idea of a simple hat (see here, original is by which made me notice that the invitation to the party (hand made by a talented friend) already had a hat on it. why make a new one if i can use that one?

so i took off the hat and then thought that the green ribbon is pretty too. since i like off centered designs i placed the hat a little bit angled and positioned it more towards the left.

the card was to be holding the money gift, and at first i was thinking of just some kind of a simple slot. but then i looked at my inspiration again and thought that the paper ribbon could hold the money nicely when folded. it worked out well!

just when i thought i was done i realized that i did not have an envelope for the square card i made. all i did to fix that problem was use some simple paper to make an envelope for it. for decoration i went back to the party invitation, cut off all four corners, and glued them onto my envelope. and to personalize it even more, i drew the graduate's initial onto the card, it was supposed to look like some sporty lettering.

here are some good reasons for recycling the announcement or invitation you received to make your own hand made card:

•  colors and general design are "pre-approved" by the recipient because they were probably involved in deciding over the invitation/ announcement
•  reduced cost by recycling what you have – that widens your gift budget :)
•  added personal touch. it's not just hand made – it's specifically made for just this one person


karen said...

clever you! When I think of recycling cards, I always think of Christmas ones, never a graduation one. Thanks for the idea!

Melissa said...

Ha! Great idea. The "thing" here lately has been announcement picture cards rather than the traditional announcements. I like them because they are a little more personable.

~Kelly~ said...

Love this!! Turned out awesome and I'm sure they loved that special creative touch when they opened it!!

sylvia said...

it turned out great! it's a great idea actually, you are right that the recipient will probably like the colour scheme!!

Marianne said...

To take the invitation and recycle it into a congratulation card is the best idea! It reminds me of the friend, who made a surprise wedding cake for me and let me pick the flowers (real ones for a vase on top) for "a" wedding cake she had to make. Of course, I would pick flowers I myself liked.
Besixes. I myself am very much into recycling cards and beautiful stationary.

Kelly @ Polkadot Lane said...

That's a fantastic idea - to re-use some of the invite to make a card..clever, clever!

Hank hendricks said...

like the idea and creative touch you give to it...anyone receive would be delighted...i might use it when design Gift Card envelopes.

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