happy yarn along day! this definitely is one of my favourite link ups, so much knitting and reading inspiration, i love it!
i've cast on for the
Kanoko Pants, although i will most probably just use the number of stitches for orientation, as i'd like it plain, without the seed stitching. i might make them slightly flared with a contrasting colour in garter stitch at the bottom, i'll see as i go. the yarn is the washable (yay!) Malabrigo Rios, the one i had started a scarf for my hubby with and then
frogged :(( the mr. has no problems waiting for his scarf so another baby project it is!
i ordered
Steady Days
by Jamie C. Martin a few days ago. we're heading to the seaside for a few days and this one will join my bag with books i'd like to read (along with writing assignments to be finished and knitting, of course!) it's a short little book, but i am hoping for some inspiration as to the structure of our days. i've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately, with my expectations as to mothering my little one, with another one on the way, the housework, my secular job and writing deadlines, i constantly have the feeling something (if not several aspects) misses out and often wonder at the end of the day where the time is gone, as it mostly seems i got nothing done. my hope is that having more organized days/weeks will be helpful for everybody. if any of you has any suggestions or reading recommendations in this regard, please share in the comments!
i'm joining
ginny's yarn along. what are you knitting and reading?
Beautiful yarn!
Are you a list maker Sylvia? I find when I keep a running list of things that need to be accomplished my day goes a lot smoother. I rarely complete all my tasks and many roll over to the next day, but at least I know which direction I'm head in.
Have a beautiful day!
Love the yarn! It is a beautiful color :)
Such a pretty color!!
Your yarn is gorgeous. I have that same book and it is quite helpful and inspirational. I think the feeling that time is flying will remain at least for me. I think that is a sign of a very full (in a good way) life. I love how you describe your job. :)
I think we all feel that way at times - overwhelmed. It is a season, thankfully. Relax, take of you and your family, get sleep. I find (still learning) that when I (the mother, wife, teacher, crafter,etc) am better organized, my days do feel more steady, and there's a sense of accomplishment. Plus...the seaside sounds like a wonderful restful time. Enjoy.
Love the color of that new project!
I know this feeling well! It helps me if I designate certain days for certain chores, rather than feeling like I have to do EVERYTHING EVERY DAY. Even though as mothers we do have to do everything every day to a certain degree :)
I love the subtle color variations in the yarn!
i think that yarn will look lovely for longies! are you cloth diapering? if so, i seem to remember that pattern didn't have any short rows in the bum to accomodate the diaper...beware and add a few if needed :)
I adore that pattern and have made it more than a few times. In regards to the cloth diapering short rows in the comment above, I've never added any nor have I had a problem covering those extra padded babies of mine. I probably make them in a larger size than necessary, though. We do things baggy around here. (:
Malabrigo is my favorite and my best! I didnt know that the rios was washable. Thats great news. I've knit those pants too, but I turned them into shorts when I ran out of wool. They are very very cute.
Big hugs to you, Sylvia. Overwhelmed is not a fun place to be. Hope your seaside break is a refreshing getaway. :) xoR
P.S. Your photo is jawdroppingly beautiful. I love it!
I love the colour of the yarn and that is such a cute pattern! Enjoy your trip to the seaside!
I love those little pants. I've just down loaded it to make some for my grandson, and the colour you knitting is beautiful.
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