so i finished my Rae, but it turned out quite a small little scarf. i loved reading all of your suggestions last week, especially the one about finishing the scarf in a different, contrasting colour, but by then i had already started decreasing and the yarn did eventually last, even though the scarf is now a lot smaller then i had expected. but for the warm spring days we've been having, it's just perfect and i can still make a bigger/longer one come autumn... (in the photo above i'm wearing a necklace by the kooky green owl sent to me by my lovely friend danielle in a parcel full of goodies last week!)
so here is my little scarf in all it's glory, plopped on a blanket in my parents' garden: (i'm re-reading the spring chapter of I Love Dirt!)
and this is what happens when you want to take a fancy photo of yourself in your new scarf, but the only photographer around is a bobby-car driving 2 year old :)) but at least you get a glimpse of my bump, hello third trimester!
i'm also still knitting the little nest or bowl for our windowsill collections, now that i got the scarf done i should finish it today or tomorrow. and i've been reading The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City
to gather some ideas for growing vegetables in small spaces.
i'm joining ginny's yarn along. what are you knitting and reading this week?
I like the scarf and think it's perfect for spring and you dear Sylvia are beautiful. I hope you are feeling well and enjoying the whole experience!
I like the scarf the way it is! I think it looks lovely and look at you with the baby bump :D
Gorgeous :) I love Spencer's photo of you!
the scarf is great!
and your portrait is really good as well, little mr.s is talented! :)
beautiful round belly !
the scarf looks really nice on you. x
Love that picture of you of your 2 year old!! And gorgeous knitting too :D
The scarf is gorgeous and so are you! I hope the 3rd trimester is treating you well! Not (too) much longer to go!!
Well done on a lovely post.
Aren't we having yummy weather in Hamburg now?!
I like the look of your book. I stuck a few garlic cloves in a pot in December and they're coming up strong on our little balcony. I'm now wondering how to tell when they're ready!
See ya round... Roya
I say the photographer has a nice perspective! You look great in it - such a beautiful color scarf. Something I would definitely wear. I forget when your due date is - won't be long now! :)
What a gorgeouus pregnancy/finished project photo! You have a little photographer on your hands! :)
Seems its not only the name we have in common, I'm also trying to garden in an urban enironment.
Lovely portrait by your 2yo, and lovely scarf!
I think your little scarf looks very hip and happening!
I've not heard of the urban homestead; it looks fascinating. I'll have to add it to my list. You look awesome and so does your scarf. It's good to have a version for spring and fall. Happy third trimester!
Love your photos - and the two-year-old captured a great shot of you and that super-cute tummy!
Funny how my Rae turned out way bigger than I expected. I need a summer version now. ;)
Wow, that's a pretty great picture - and he's just two? Wow! Oh, and I love that necklace!
WOW! The little prince is going to be a world-famous photographer one day - or so it seems to me.
Your scarf and the colors of it are beautiful.
Pretty good photography skills for a 2 yr old (and on a bobby car??)!
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