wire art project for the road

it's always hard for me to decide what to take with me when i'm going to spend most of the day in the car on the passenger seat. although i don't get carsick as easily as i did when i was a child, i still can't read or focus on anything inside the vehicle for too long. since i'll be on the road most of tomorrow, i decided to pack wire, beads, and the needed accessories. as guideline of what wire ornament i want to try out creating i made a quick (somewhat messy) prototype of a fox's face.

spending the day in a car always seems so counter productive. hours go by, and yes, i transferred from A to B, but in reality i didn't move at all.  i've been sitting in a seat, completely tired and exhausted from doing nothing, even dozing off from time to time, and eating snacks the entire way.

what are your road trip secrets? any fun games you play as family or other ideas to make the ride more enjoyable?


Marianne said...

Since I don't get carsick, I used to knit (those days there were no airbags in front!) or read. With our daughters "on board" we used to listen to exciting stories read on tapes, good old days :)
My husband and I once had a project of learning Japanese and we learned vocabularies during our trips. That was fun, too.

KatEzat said...

I'm also of the can't read cos get carsick variety. We often do very long drives (think Northern Germany to Italy) so I usually plan a crochet project. I made a lovely blue summer top one time. I don't like to knit in the car though, I worry about being impaled on my needles should there be sudden braking!!!

Tracey ~ Clover said...

I have never been car sick so for that I am thankful.

I usually read or now knit. I can't believe you haven't been bitten by the knitting bug yet :) after seeing what your sister creates. But then you have so much talent in creating other things.

I love the fox. My heart hangs in my kitchen window so I can look at it daily.

Sara {home is where the cookies are} said...

I get carsick too, and so do a couple of my kids. We don't have a dvd player in the car, but I have found that books on CD work. I thought it was super cheesy when I was a kid, but as I got older I grew to really like them. Maybe if the kids start young, they'll bypass the phase of thinking it's so-not-cool!

barefoot mama said...

What fun! I love road trips even though I get sick too if I try to read:( Although I do it anyhow..lol The Alphabet game is my kids favorite, boring I know:) Hope you have a GREAT time!

Sharripie said...

Our last car trip was at night, so I couldn't read or knit, so my husband and I played a game of guessing which band would be playing the next song on the classic rock radio station. That kept us entertained for four hours, but that might have been because we're nerds like that.

sylvia said...

I love the alphabet game too... i found out when I was over in the States that I can knit for some stretches of time in the car, with a few breaks.
Nowadays, if it's a long car drive, I have to entertain Spencer after a while. I usually sing to/with him.

Laura Emily said...

I love your wire creations.
Getting car sick is a new thing for me, this past year. And the only thing I found that helps me is ginger ale. We usually play silly games, like 20 questions, or even I-spy. Something that doesn't involve focusing on one thing in particular.

Laura Emily said...

I love your wire creations.
Getting car sick is a new thing for me, this past year. And the only thing I found that helps me is ginger ale. We usually play silly games, like 20 questions, or even I-spy. Something that doesn't involve focusing on one thing in particular.

Anonymous said...

Ah roadtrips. Luckily I don't get carsick, so I just read or knit for hours on end. To pass the time, we will play a story game. Someone will say the first sentence, then everyone takes a turn saying one sentence (variations would be one word or, say, six words). The story takes all kinds of crazy twists and turns and creates much-needed laughter. We also play the alphabet sign game. And we count how many license plates we see from different states. Good luck with your trip + the fox is so cute! Monica

Danielle Quarmby said...

When I'm not the one driving for a road trip - it's about 9 hours to Adelaide and I go regularly - I usually make lists and plans, brainstorming and problem-solving for business stuff, around the house improvements. Sometimes I read, holding the book up higher to avoid car sickness.
The kids watch movies, draw sometimes, we all listen to kids music. Look out the window and daydream...

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