my new organized art room setup

since most of our blog readers are artist and crafters as well, i thought you might be interested in my super-duper yard sale find of the month...
the ultimate art & craft supply storage solution: see-through organizer bins!

this is how they became mine: our next door neighbors had a garage sale and the lady, who is a crafter, decided to get rid of these wire storage bins. i would've not even stopped by their sale had not my husband decided to join it on short notice and bring a few items over. so i went and helped out. while i was sitting there i finally noticed the storage solutions and knew they'd be perfect for my sunroom that is functioning as my art and craft room. of course, i have other drawers in the house that hold more of my art stuff, but these are perfect for quick access right where i need it!

getting fresh art supplies in the mail is so exciting, i always want to rip these packages open the moment they arrive and start using whatever i ordered right on the spot. and now i even have these great storage bins for all my supplies! some of them even on wheels, whoohoo!

are you also trying to organize your art and craft supplies? or have you given up on that fancy notion (like i did before i found these cool wire bins)? 


Tracey ~ Clover said...

A wonderuful way to be organized.
I have a bookshelf I use for my suppies and quite a few baskets too. I scored a great room when my son got married so now there is lots of room to spread out!

sylvia said...

i have one closed cupboard (40 cm wide) in the little man's room and i stuff everything into there. it means i have to be very space concious about my supples and sort out regularly...

Laura Emily said...

art supplies in the mail (for me, that means mostly fabric!) is just as exciting as Christmas morning!

great yard sale find! I love how pretty the colors look lined up in neat rows.

Megan Petersen said...

Wow... everything looks so neat and organized...

.... my art room would scare you. it's treacherous.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh, I'm jealous. I love those shelves. I've just moved house, so I'm trying to establish my art space. It's small but very pretty, but storage might become a problem for me as my supplies are growing by the week ...

Right across the road from my work is a fantastic art supply store. I swear I'm solely responsible for keeping that place in business :-)

Marianne said...

WOW, Simona, what a find! These art bins are absolutely wonderful. Congratulations.

thursday said...

Those bins are so genius for your art space. What a find! And it always feels so good when you don't have to buy your storage solutions retail (why do organizational tools always cost so much retail?!)

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