yay, we made it! for the next few weeks, the artsy ants are no longer "an ocean apart". we survived the long flight with our little man, thanks to both flights not being booked out so that we could have a seat for him as well. that was really helpful. and the fact that they showed the movie "cars" on his little screen :) but i have to say i'm so so proud of him! yes, he's my baby so i'm always proud of him, but in extreme situations like a 9 hour flight, lots of waiting in lines and in boarding areas, entering another airplane and having your diapers changed on a space that was too small already more than a year ago - through all that, he was the most patient, happy, go-with-the-flow kind of guy we know him to be. there was only one single situation where he sort-of started to cry, and that was when he was made to take off his beloved crocs at the security check in newark.

so now we're here, on the other side of the pond, "closer" also to many of our readers. i love being in this place so very much and i just want to soak in every minute and truly cherish it. we'll try to keep posting on a fairly regular basis, but there might be some silent days in between as we enjoy our family and creative time together. i'm sure though we will at least have some "photo only" posts to share even then.

Oh, I hope you have a wonderful time! Enjoy your family and friends (and the food - the breads! the cheeses!) and take lots and lots of pictures.
Sounds like Spencer did fantastically! Levi was horrid on a 2 hour flight - I can't imagine doing a 9 hour one. Hope you have a fantastic time with your sister and family xx
Have a wonderful time with your family! xx
Enjoy your family time! I have great respect for you for enduring such a long flight with a little one! I don't have the courage to attempt it!
Habt eine wunderschöne Zeit zusammen und genießt und "speichert" so viel davon, dass es bis zum nächsten Wiedersehen reicht!
Echt toll das Spencer das so super mitgemacht hat! Er ist aber auch so ein zuckersüßer kleiner Zwerg :)
Have a wonderful time together, sisters! My sister(in-law) arrives in a few weeks, I am so excited!
Congratulations, Spencer, you are so cool and patient! And congratulations, Simona, on your new tiny boyfriend, who adores you!!!!
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