a few weeks ago i stumbled upon this post via simple mom.
i found the focus on a few simple details to love about one's home inspiring. like the red door? i'm sure it makes up for so so many things that might not be "perfect" for the moment. seeing it whenever one leaves the house and comes back home and loving the sight of it consciously. the thing is that i do have the tendency to complain about things we don't have (a garden, a big kitchen, counterspace, a mudroom). it's not that i go on and on about it every day, but i do drop hints in conversations with my husband and sometimes i ramble to myself about what i'm missing.
but, inspired by the red door, i decided to focus (literally, with photographs) on some of the things i really love in our home. in the first photo is my favourite corner to crawl into every evening, with a book, some knitting or just the blanket when we decide to turn on the tv.

a few of the original turn of the century tiles left on one part of the kitchen wall.

the kitchen windowsill with my 2 favourite cookbooks, yard sale finds and some space for prettiness.
are you in love with a special corner of your home?
I think this is a fabulous idea! It is so hard to get down over what we don't have, but we really need to focus on what we DO have! I am drooling over your kitchen tiles, they are beautiful. I would love to join you in taking picture of one of my corners, maybe tomorrow! xx
there are a lot of things that i feel i'd like to change, like having a nicer yard. but you're right, having the correct view of things is important. for example right now i'm watching a hummingbird feed in front of my window. that's precious. or the fawn i saw this morning in my yard when i left the house. they seem to like to visit and they feel our yard looks fine just the way it is. they probably prefer the more 'natural' look than the manicured lawn and so on i see other people have...
i love seeing the pretty, peaceful corners of people's homes!
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