across the ocean - postcards of summer III



the two of us are taking a little break-of-sorts from regular blogging. inspired by this idea, maya, amanda and the fantastic photo-projects of these 2 girls, we are posting a photo each for the first days of august. 4500 miles apart, each enjoying summer in her corner of the world.


sylvia said...

ha! i just saw your photo simona when i published this posts. they are so alike yet so different too, aren't they?

Sara SHOEmaker said...

great blog! what a funny sign on that tree hahaha. visit my blog if you like!

The House of Shoes

Katie said...

Beautiful pictures! following :)

simona said...

@ sylvia: yes, you're right.
i love playgrounds with water!
don't tell me that the tall guy in the picture is mr.s !!!

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