this is a selection of this week's sketches with an illustration ("she loves to draw") that resulted from other sketches i had made.
since i'm often doing those detailed and precise drawings, for example when i do portraits, the sketches are supposed to be done quickly in order to loosen my hand. i'm amazed when people can pick up their pen or pencil and each and every stroke is exactly where it belongs, no second takes. this is what i'm working towards. still a long way to go, but hopefully by the end of this year i'll be closer to reaching my goal.
how about your resolutions? given up yet or still going strong?
I love that top sketch!!
I'm finding it's so important to return to basics in order to grow creatively. Good for you! Though I make handmade bags for a living, I've resolved to knit 12 sweaters in 12 months. Not sure how I'll feel in August, knitting away when it's 95 degrees but...Please check out my progress on my blog at www.hottinroofneworleans.com
ooohh, i love that illustration of the little girl... so cute!
I'm with everyone else, the top sketch is so cute! my resolutions are nonspoken all in my head but one was almost like your sketch a day, but just to draw more often than before and still i think i'm doing fine!
and about your comment over at mine, thank you, it's so very fun to do somethinge else from what i've done the last couple of months and still i love doing it! i wanna do lots and lots of em and i have so much ideas for these girls! :)
Ich bin immernoch ganz gut dabei mit meinen Skizzen, obwohl ich schon 3 Tag ausfallen lassen habe... :(
Aber ich muss mich manchmal echt zwingen und oft werden die Skizzen dann auch nicht gut.
Ich habe halt tags nicht so viel Zeit und nehme mein Skizzenbuch auch nicht mit zur Arbeit. Und abends vergesse ich es erst und zeichne dann total müde noch schnell was im Bett. Allerdings sind dabei zwei tolle Skizzen von Daniel bei rausgekommen!
Und er ist auch immer die treibende Kraft „Du musst noch zeichnen!" ;)
Er guckt mir dabei immer so gerne zu und "zwingt" mich dann zu zeichnen! So muss ich dann immer meinen inneren Schweinehund überwinden ;)
I love "your" girlies: holding the big pencil, holding the mug etc.
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